
Is vaccines are only for kids?

Most of us incorrectly assume that the vaccines we received as children will protect us for a lifetime. But immunity can fade with time.

Keeping your vaccines up to date can help protect you and  your kids, and especially older adults and those with weakened immune systems, who are more susceptible to preventable illnesses.

Between 40,000 and 50,000 adults die each year from vaccine-preventable illnesses, according to a 2010 report from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America’s Health. The  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that adult vaccine-preventable diseases cost about $10 billion annually in direct medical costs.

Dr. Richard Besser, chief health and medical correspondent, hosted a Tweet Chat Tuesday to discuss the importance of adult immunizations with such passionate participants  as the Mayo Clinic, the CDC,  the American Medical Association, the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, among others.

What vaccines do young adults need?
Younger adults often feel their risk of disease is lower, so their vaccination rates are lower.  Young adults need flu, tetanus-diphtheria-whooping cough, chickenpox  and  human papillomavirus, or HPV,  immunizations.  Some young adults may also need measles mumps rubella – also called the MMR — and meningococcal vaccines.

Should women receive vaccines during pregnancy?
If possible, women should be up to date on all their vaccines before they become pregnant. During pregnancy, getting the flu and tetanus/whooping cough vaccines are important to protect both mom and baby. There are a few vaccines expectant mothers  should avoid,  including the shots for MMR, shingles, chickenpox and HPV.

Can some vaccines prevent cancer?
The HPV vaccine can prevent some forms of cervical, anal, penile  and oral cancer. It’s only licensed for use for those between the ages of 11-26. Hepatitis B can cause long-term infection and is a common risk factor for liver cancer, so medical experts encourage  all adults at risk to get vaccinated against it.  Currently, all children who are vaccinated receive the shot for hepatitis B.

Why aren’t more people getting vaccinated?
Not enough adults are receiving recommended vaccinations, and there has been little progress in increasing coverage in recent years, according to the latest CDC statistics.
Doctors can boost immunization rates by checking patients’ vaccination status and offering vaccines.  Patients can keep up with their personal medical records and start discussions with their doctors about vaccines. As the national health care system moves toward  electronic medical records, automated vaccination reminders may help improve adult vaccination rates.  The overwhelming opinion of the medical community is that vaccines for adults are safe, effective and cost-saving.